A Study of the Principle and the Major Structure of Accelerometer 자연과학편 : 생체계측용(生體計測用) 가속도 변환기의 원리와 구조에 관한 고찰
26(2) 159-168, 1987
A Study of the Principle and the Major Structure of Accelerometer 자연과학편 : 생체계측용(生體計測用) 가속도 변환기의 원리와 구조에 관한 고찰
The purpose of this study is to present the principle and the major structure of accelerometer, then to find out suitable type for specific experiment and method of right fixture of it.
All these intend to offer useful knowledge about making economical acceleration transducer necessary for certain experimenter.
For the purpose a series of review of lecture were performed about the theory of seismic instrument, the kinds and structure of acceleration transducer using strain gauge and the types of calibrtation.
According to the analysis strain gauge type acceleration transducer which is a high-precision censor low - g measurement.
In terms of form cantilever type is most effcetive and commands wider appliable range than any other type.
In further study it seems that, when measuring body - movement, it is nessary to develop equipment and method of fixture fit for the specific purpose in detail.
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A Biomechanical Study of Ball-Stopping Skills in Soccer 자연과학편 : Soccer Ball Stopping의 역학적(力學的) 분석(分析)
26(2) 169-176, 1987
A Biomechanical Study of Ball-Stopping Skills in Soccer 자연과학편 : Soccer Ball Stopping의 역학적(力學的) 분석(分析)
The ball-stopping skills by use of foot is on of the most important and basic techniques in soccer.
From the view point of mechanics, the ball stopping is a form of the collision of the ball against the foot and the velocity of the ball after impact depends on the reduced mass of leg and the relative velocity of the foot and ball.
Accordinly this study attempted to clarify the mechanism of ball contralling movements of foot, using the photographical data and signals from the force plate and the acceleration transducer fixed to the foot during ball-stopping.
The resultes may be summarized as follows.
(1) The contact time of the ball against the foot at impact was rather constant, being approximately 10 ms, without respect to the ball velocity before impact.
(2) The directions of movements of the foot and the ball before impact were same. But, the relative velocity of the ball and the foot increased move when ball velocity before impact increased.
(3) In the ball-slopping movement, it is considered that the illeffect of miss-judgement of the foot may be reduced in the ball controlling where the reduced mass of leg decreases.
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A Study on Factor Analysis of Motor Ability 자연과학편 : 일류선수(一流選手)들의 체력(體力), 운동능력(運動能力)의 인자분석적(因子分析的) 연구(硏究) -유도(柔道)·레스링·궁도(弓道)·여자롱구(女子籠球) 국가대표(國家代表) 선수(選手)를 중심(中心)으로-
남병집ByungGipNam , 최영근YoungGunChoi , 선우섭WooSupSun
26(2) 177-192, 1987
A Study on Factor Analysis of Motor Ability 자연과학편 : 일류선수(一流選手)들의 체력(體力), 운동능력(運動能力)의 인자분석적(因子分析的) 연구(硏究) -유도(柔道)·레스링·궁도(弓道)·여자롱구(女子籠球) 국가대표(國家代表) 선수(選手)를 중심(中心)으로-
남병집ByungGipNam , 최영근YoungGunChoi , 선우섭WooSupSun
For the present research, a total number of 112 subject players has been selected from various sports types : 19 Judo players from `85 All Korean and National Standing teams, 24 free-style wrestlers, 25 Greco-Roman-style wrestlers, 22 archers, and 22 female basketball players, etc. The measurement carried out for the current research has yielded the following conclusions :
1. In case of basketball players, the most superior factors were found to be Physical Structure and Physical Function. Factors shown to be superior next to the above two were Endurance and Explosive Strength.
2. In case of Judo players, the most dominant factor was shown to be Muscle Factor. The next dominant factors were Back Strength and Speed.
3. In case of free-style wrestlers, the most superior factors were Physical Structure and Leg Extension Strength.
4. In case of Greco-Roman style wrestlers, the most superior factor was Grip Strength, and this showed a difference between two types of wrestlers.
5. In case of archers, the most superior factors were Explosive Power and Elbow Flection. The next superior was Physical Structure.
The researchers want to stress that the successful application of these findings to actual sport activities depends on the amount of the efforts made by individual players and athletic leaders to make the most of these results. The researchers also want to point out that developing fitness into aptitude remains to be the task of individual players and athletic guides.
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The Comparative Study on Physical Fitness and Physique between Tae Kwon Do Player's and non-Player's 자연과학편 : 태권도(跆拳道) 선수(選手)와 일반수련자(一般修鍊者) 간(間)의 체격(體格) 및 체력(體力)의 비교연구(比較硏究)
오현승HyunSungO , 최동진DongChinChoi
26(2) 193-198, 1987
The Comparative Study on Physical Fitness and Physique between Tae Kwon Do Player's and non-Player's 자연과학편 : 태권도(跆拳道) 선수(選手)와 일반수련자(一般修鍊者) 간(間)의 체격(體格) 및 체력(體力)의 비교연구(比較硏究)
오현승HyunSungO , 최동진DongChinChoi
I analyzed and compared the physiques and physical fitness between the Tae Kwon Do Players and non-Players in Univ. investigated the correlation between physical fitness and sports careers.
Through this study I could find out the following results :
1. Tae kwon Do Player’s physique are more superior to non-Player’s.
2. Tae Kwon Do Players are lower than non-Players in L.B.M.
3. Tae Kwon Do Players are more lower than non-Players in flexbilities but are more higher than non-players in vital capacities and the scores of Harvard step test.
4. The correlation between physical fitness and sports careers.
1) There are significant correlation between sports careers and Side step test in all.
2) There are sure correlation between sports careers and Trunk extention in Tae Kwon Do Players.
3) There are some correlation between sports careers and 50 m running in non-Players.
4) There are sure correlation between sports careers and vital capacities.
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A Mechanical Analysis of Batting Motion in Baseball 자연과학편 : 야구경기(野球競技)에 있어 타격동작(打擊動作)의 역학적(力學的) 분석(分析)
26(2) 199-210, 1987
A Mechanical Analysis of Batting Motion in Baseball 자연과학편 : 야구경기(野球競技)에 있어 타격동작(打擊動作)의 역학적(力學的) 분석(分析)
With 8 college baseball player (average batting rate : above 30%), this study, was focused on revealing the change of temporal foot - movement and peak - force in batting the balls pitched out by a pitching machine according to the force curve of the reflexive force on the ground.
The analyzed results were as follow.
1. The ball speed made by a pitching machine 119.0 ㎞/hour(33.0m/min).
2. The negative values of the force curve waves with impact given at "0" were on the average-0.0663 sec (back staving start time), - 0.463 sec(stride start time), -0.218 sec(stride contact time) and -0.178 sec (swing start time).
3. In the order of batting direction from right, center to left, the swing time was the shortest, shorter and short, while the stride time showed the contrary result.
4. A phenomenon of peak force curve rotating movement was observed in the vertical force curve of the initial right-foot peak-force after the swing of a bat-in the order of back, fore, left(pitcher’s direction) and back again.
5. The time and amount of peak force with impact given at zero were -0.123 sec and 18.7 ㎏·W(initial back), -0.099sec and 23.0 ㎏·w(fore), -0.08sec and 117.7㎏·w(left) and lastly -0.056sec and 16.0 ㎏·w(back)-the perceding three giving way to the last fourth to have and impact Exceptionally, a few subjects showed an impact prior to the last back’s peak force.
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The Effect of Rhythm Practice on Dribble Shoot and Running Shoot in Basket Ball 자연과학편 : 농구(籠球)에서 Rhythm훈련(訓練)이 Dribble Shoot과 Running Shoot 학습(學習)에 미치는 영향(影響)
26(2) 211-218, 1987
The Effect of Rhythm Practice on Dribble Shoot and Running Shoot in Basket Ball 자연과학편 : 농구(籠球)에서 Rhythm훈련(訓練)이 Dribble Shoot과 Running Shoot 학습(學習)에 미치는 영향(影響)
A test on running shoot and dribble shoot was made on "I" high school 2 year male students in 120 students in Incheon city. Prior to the test the students were divided into experimentation group and opposition group. Experimentation group was put into Rhythm practice one hour per day for 2 weeks and opposition group was also put into dribble and running shoot training without Rhythm practice during the same period.
Accordingly the following rusults were obtained.
1. Before the Rhythm practice on experimentation group and opposition group there has been no significance difference of dribble shoot and running shoot by subjective and objective evaluation.
2. After Rhythm practice on experimentation group there has been significance difference of dribble shoot and running shoot between the 2 groups by subjective and objective evaluation.
3. In case of opposition group there has been significance difference on dribble shoot and running shoot between pre-Rhythm practice and post - Rhythm practice by subjective and objective evaluation.
4. In case of experimentation group there has been significance difference on dribble shoot and running shoot between pre-Rhythm practice and post-Rhythm practice by subjective and objective evaluation.
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The Influence of Preexercise Body Heating on Performance and Ventilatory Responses to Supramaximal Treadmill Exercise. 자연과학편 : 초최대운동시(超最大運動時)의 환기응답(換氣應答)에 미치는 운동전(運動前)의 체온(體溫)의 영향(影響)에 대해서
김정분JungBoonKim , 安田好文YASUDAYoshifumi
26(2) 219-226, 1987
The Influence of Preexercise Body Heating on Performance and Ventilatory Responses to Supramaximal Treadmill Exercise. 자연과학편 : 초최대운동시(超最大運動時)의 환기응답(換氣應答)에 미치는 운동전(運動前)의 체온(體溫)의 영향(影響)에 대해서
김정분JungBoonKim , 安田好文YASUDAYoshifumi
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of preexercise body heating on performance and ventilatory responses to maximal treadmill run. Five male college atheletes participated in this experiment. They exercised to exhaustion on the treadmill at three conditions, i.e. after about 30 min of active warmup, after passive heating by sauna bath, and no warm-up. The mean rises in rectal temperature by activ and passive warm-up were 0.66 C and 0.74 C, respectively. The mean performance time for treadmill maximal run were 66 sec, 63 sec and 60 sec in active warm-up, passive warm-up and no warm-up conditions, respectively, but these differences were not significant. No significant differences were also found in respiratory rate and tidal volume during exercise, although the respiratory rate was slightly lower in the no warm-up conditi than the other two conditions. Minute ventilation was significantly higher in active and passive warm-up than in no warm-up condition during the 40-60 sec periods from the start of exercise. It was suggested, therefore, that preexercise hyperthermia might increase minute ventilation during the latter periods of supramaximal exercise.
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Relationship between Cognitive Specialization and Physical Skill Abilities in University Students 자연과학편 : 체육실기능력(體育實技能力)과 인지기능(人指機能)간의 관계(關係) 연구(硏究)
26(2) 227-237, 1987
Relationship between Cognitive Specialization and Physical Skill Abilities in University Students 자연과학편 : 체육실기능력(體育實技能力)과 인지기능(人指機能)간의 관계(關係) 연구(硏究)
The purpose of this study was to ditermine the relationship between cognitive specialization and physical skill abilities in university students.
Hypothesis I ; There will be group(majors, brain hemispheric dominance, and sex) difference in cognitive specialization as measured by the Cognitive Laterality Battery (CLB).
Hypothesis II ; There will be significant difference between the left dominant students group and the right dominant students group in physical skill scares.
Hypothesis III ; There will be interaction effects on the level of physical skill scores between the hemisphere specialization and major group.
The subjects of the study were 335 university students in Seoul and kyoungki area. The Gordon’s CLB was administered to ascertain the subject’s cognitive specialization. In order to test the hypothese, the t test, ANOVA, and Duncan Multiple Range Test were tested.
The study results are as follow:
1. The ratio of right-dominant students to left-dominant students in the physical department students were found to be higher than the ratio in the other department students.
2. There was a significant difference between the left-dominant students group and the right-dominant students group in physical skill scores.
3. There was an interaction effects on the level of physical skill scores between the hemisphere specialization and major group.
In conclusion, differences in cognitive functioning have profound implications for education for it stould be a criterion for selection of physical department students.
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The Effect of Changes on the Blood Components during Exercise and Recovery in Glucose Ingestion 자연과학편 : 글루코스 섭취(攝取)가 운동시(運動時) 및 회복시(恢復時) 혈액성분(血液成分) 변화(變化)에 미치는 영향(影響)
26(2) 239-258, 1987
The Effect of Changes on the Blood Components during Exercise and Recovery in Glucose Ingestion 자연과학편 : 글루코스 섭취(攝取)가 운동시(運動時) 및 회복시(恢復時) 혈액성분(血液成分) 변화(變化)에 미치는 영향(影響)
This study aims to find the changes of the blond components at resting state and during the recovery period in the bicycle ergometer exercise after glucose ingestion.
The selected subjects were twelve male students, which were divided into athietes group and non-athletes group, and each of two group was also divided into four experimental design.
The subjects were seated on the bicycle for 20 min. at the range of 70-80% HR max after glucose ingestion, pedalling with 50 ∼ 60 RPM at the beginning free loading for two min.
The items Erythocytes, Leukocyte, Hemoglobin, Hematocrit, MCV(mean corsculpar volume), MCH(mean corsculpar hemoglobin), MCHC(mean corsculpar hemoglovin concentration) were analyzed.
The results are summarized as follows :
1. At the of WBC, RBC, Hb, Hct, MCV, MCH, MCHC, all of athletes group and non-athletes group showed normal range.
2. The mearure of WBC, RBC, Hb, Hct was significantly hither in athletes group than in non-athletes in resting atate, during exercise, recovery period, and the measure of MCV, MCH, MCHC was lower in athletes group than non - athletes group.
3. The changes of blood components after glucose ingestion was significantly highter between 30 min and 60 min., respectively.
4. The changes of blood components during exercise was increased in both groups, and also after immediatily bicycle erogmeter was increased in both groups.
5. In both groups, the level of each blood components was restored to the resting state at 60-120 min after ergometer.
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A Study on the Change of Body Composition according to the Training Effect. 자연과학편 : 트레이닝에 의한 체구성(體構成) 변화(變化)에 관한 연구(硏究)
26(2) 259-274, 1987
A Study on the Change of Body Composition according to the Training Effect. 자연과학편 : 트레이닝에 의한 체구성(體構成) 변화(變化)에 관한 연구(硏究)
This study was focused on the change of body composition according to the different work intensity for 60% and 80% VO₂max intensity training groups.
Twenty-one healthy, from D female junior high school at Pusan were subjects for this study.
They represented Participants in the following three group ; 60% VO₂max intensity training group, 7 ; 80% VO₂max intensity training group, 7 ; control group, 7.
Training were under taken 3 times per weeks in ten weeks.
Every time training condition was ground running to slop 8% for 5 mins.
Evaluation for change of body composition by skinfold caliper method were made 5 weeks and 10 weeks.
1. In body weight, 80% VO₂max intensity training group decreased 0.080 ㎏(-0.162%), 60% VO₂max intensity training group increased 0.240 ㎏(0.495%) , and control group increased (0.200 ㎏(0.450%) after ten weeks.
2. In percent fat, 80% VO₂max intensity training group decreased -1.153% (-5.373%), 60% VO₂max intensity training group decreased -0.166% (-0.768%), on the other hand control group increased 0.390% (1.993%) after ten week.
3. In fat per height, 80% VO₂max intensity training group decreased -0.371 ㎏/m (-5.384%), 60% VO₂max intensity training group decreased -0.012 ㎏/m(-0 175%), on the other hand, contra group increased 0.264 ㎏/m(0.720%) after ten weeks.
4. In lean body mass per height, 80% VO₂max intensity training group increased 0.369 ㎏/m(1.527%), 60% VO₂max intensity training group increased 0.192 ㎏/m(0.802%), and control group increased 0 289 ㎏/m(1.260%) after ten weeks.
5. In correlation coefficient and regressional equation for body weight against %fat, L.B.M, Fat/Height, and LBH/Height, 80% VO₂max intensity training group were .represented r= 0.977(p<0.001), r= 0.973 (p<0.001), r= 0.991 (p<0.001), and r= 0.930(p<0.01) .60%VO₂max intensity training group were represented r= 0.655 r= 0.964(p<0.001), r= 0.859(p<0.02), and r= 0.964 (p<0.001) Control group were represented r=0.187. r=0.945(p<0.001), r=0.565. and r=0.947(p<0.001).
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A Study on the Change of Velocity at the Muscular - power Revelation by Load. 자연과학편 : 부하(負荷)에 따른 근(筋) Power 발현시(發現時) 속도변화(速度變化)
26(2) 275-286, 1987
A Study on the Change of Velocity at the Muscular - power Revelation by Load. 자연과학편 : 부하(負荷)에 따른 근(筋) Power 발현시(發現時) 속도변화(速度變化)
The purpose of this study is to clarify the training effects in velocity-varistion according to relative load at the time of muscular-power revelation.
The subjects for the study were 118 male students of H University (experimental group 98, control group 20). They were divided into five groups(1/5, 1/3, 1/2, 2/3, control group) according to their dynamic-maximal strength. After that, they were trained by a muscular-power measurement facility using the after load method with was created by the researcher with PBHC movement during ten-weeks (3 times/week).
After ten-weeks training, the measuring results were compared and analyzed within groups, between groups before and after training.
The results are as follows ;
1. The movement time velocity of PBHC showed significant differences between group(p<0.001) and the order of groups were 1/5, 1/3, 1/2, 2/3, and control groups before and after training.
2. Especially, 1/5 group showed significantly faster results than control group with MT DM 7.074 sec, V DM 0.017 m/sec, before training, with MT DM 0.1147 sec, VDM 0.536 m/sec, after training.
3. The power showed significant differences between groups with p<0.01 before training with p<0.001 after training. The order of groups was 1/2, 2/3, 1/5, 1/3, and control groups before and after training.
4. In conclusion, we could see that relative-load significantly influenceed to the velocity-variation with the results that there were significant slowness of velocity according to increasing relative-load.
These factors could be developed by training. Especially it is considered that 1/2 load of dynamic-maximal sterength have certain relation to maximal poorer in view of maximal power is showed at 1/2 group of dynamic-maximal strength.
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Menarche Age and Selected Physiological and Psychological Responses on the Menstruation in Women Collegers at different Trained Level 자연과학편 : Menstruation이 운동수행 및 심리 변화에 미치는 영향
26(2) 287-298, 1987
Menarche Age and Selected Physiological and Psychological Responses on the Menstruation in Women Collegers at different Trained Level 자연과학편 : Menstruation이 운동수행 및 심리 변화에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to investigate menarche age and selected physiological responses on the menstruation in women collegers at different trained level.
In order to obtained data, 360 subjects was divided into three groups, non athletic group (176 subjects), physical education major group (88 subjects) and college athlete group (96 subjects).
And then investigated menarche age and selected physiological and psychological responses on the menstruation by tests of the Questionnaire and analyzed blood components between before and after menstruation.
The results were as follows :
1. Mean age of menarche among the three groups(nan athletic, physical education major and athlete group) was to about the same pattern but range of monarch age in athlete group was more spreaded than non athletic and physical education major group.
2. patterns of menstruation period on the non athletic ails physical education major group were more regular but athlete was about twice more appeared irregular than the regular pattern.
3. Selected physiological responses among the three groups were to about the same patherns.
4. The changes of physiological response such as oligomenorrhea on the exorcise in athletes group was more percentage than percentage of the other groups.
5. The wrong recognization about physical education class during menstruation in athlete group was more appeared than non athletic and physical education major group.
6. Psychological responses during menstruation among the three groups were to about the same patterns.
7. The changes of RBC, Hct, Hb and MCV were not shown a significant difference between before and after menstruation.
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The Effect of Weight Training on Muscular Strength, Power and Body Composition. 자연과학편 : 웨이트 트레이닝이 근력, 파워 및 체지방에 미치는 효과
26(2) 299-311, 1987
The Effect of Weight Training on Muscular Strength, Power and Body Composition. 자연과학편 : 웨이트 트레이닝이 근력, 파워 및 체지방에 미치는 효과
The purpose of present study was to determine the effect of weight training on muscular strength, power and body composition. Eight healthy freshmen participated in a eight-week, progressively increasing weight training program.
Muscular strength, power and body composition are measured before and after the weight training program.
The results showed statistically significant effect of weight training on muscular strength power and body composition.
The results obtained from statistical analysis were as follows :
1. Eight weeks of weight training produced significant increases in nondominant grip strength (2.59 ㎏), dominant grip strength(2.85 ㎏) and balk muscle strength(5.98 ㎏).
2. Eight weeks of weight training produced significant increases In power(3.25 ㎏·m/sec).
3. Eight weeks of weight training produced significant increases in body composition (4.51% body fat).
Key Words
A Study on the Vividness of the Athletes' Sense Recipience Factors 자연과학편 : 운동선수(運動選手)의 감각수용인자(感覺受容因子)의 명료도(明瞭度)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
26(2) 312-322, 1987
A Study on the Vividness of the Athletes' Sense Recipience Factors 자연과학편 : 운동선수(運動選手)의 감각수용인자(感覺受容因子)의 명료도(明瞭度)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
In order to work out to what extent highschool student athletes and general students retain and retrieve the senses and what differences there are in the vividness, a total of 585 students, highschool student athletes (male : 155, female : 120) and general students(male : 160, female : l50), were tested by the Bett’s vividness test.
And the results have been analyzed into the following conclusions :
1. The vividness of the subjects’ sense recipience was high in all factors. Among the senses the sense of taste showed the highest vividness.
2. There was no difference in the vividness of senses in both saxes, bur in the vividness of the taste girls was superior to boys by the significant difference. p<0.001.
3. The vividness of sense recipience of the athletes was higher by the significant difference, p<0.001 than of the general students in all senses, and was much higher especially in the kinesthesis and organic sense over the other senses.
Key Words
The Variation of Basic Physical Fitness Caused by Alcohol Intake. 자연과학편 : 알콜 섭취량(攝取量)에 따른 기초체력(基礎體力)의 변화(變化)
26(2) 323-335, 1987
The Variation of Basic Physical Fitness Caused by Alcohol Intake. 자연과학편 : 알콜 섭취량(攝取量)에 따른 기초체력(基礎體力)의 변화(變化)
In order to analyze the variation of basic physical fitness caused by alcohol intake, 12 students who are majored in physical education were rendomly chosen.
They were divided into 3 Groups, and given 50ml(Group A), 100ml(Group B). l50ml (Group C) of alcoholic liquors(Susung Koryangju : Alcohol 40%) respectively.
After that they took a rest. The school concentration in blood was measured three times at an interval of 45 minutes.
Each group had a basic physical fitness test about five items (Hand grip strength, Sit-ups, Stick test, Sargent jump, Reaction time).
The result were summarized as follows :
1. After 45 minutes, Group A and C showed their maximum values of alcohol concentration in blood were 0.25±0.05 ㎎/㎖, 1.05±0.05㎎/㎖.
The maximum value of Group B was 0.525±0.025 ㎎/㎖ after 90 minutes.
2. After 135 minutes, alcohol concentration in blood was decreased conspicuonsly than before. Group A was 0.05 ㎎/㎖ Group B was 0 377±0.025㎎/㎖, and Group was 0.80±0,75 ㎎/㎖.
3. In Hand grip strenght test and Sit-ups test, Group C was weakened conspicuously.
4. There was much difference in Stick test among the three Groups. Group C Showed evident decrease in Stick test.
5. Only Sargent jump test was increased than before drinking.
6. Reaction time test to sound was much faster than that to light.
The majority of the students reacted fastest to forward and backward Reaction time among the direction lights(foward, backward, left, right), and fastest to Blus light among the color lights(red, green. yellow, blue).
But there was no much difference of direction lights and color lights about alcohol concentration in blood.
7. The weakness and improvement of basic physical fitness were in proportion to the amount of alcohol intake.
Key Words
The Selected Metabolic Characteristics of Korean and American Junior Elite Distance Runners 자연과학편 : 한국 및 미국 쥬니어 장거리 우수 선수의 선정된 신진대사 특성 연구
26(2) 336-350, 1987
The Selected Metabolic Characteristics of Korean and American Junior Elite Distance Runners 자연과학편 : 한국 및 미국 쥬니어 장거리 우수 선수의 선정된 신진대사 특성 연구
This case study was to investigate the selected metabolic characteristics of four Korean and two American Junior elite distance runners, during July, 1985∼87, at the Athletics West Research Laboratory in Eugene, Oregon. U.S.A. This study was to test metabolic prevention and training treatment of improvement running preformance for ‘86Asian Games and ‘88 Seoul Olympics Korean marathon.
The selected metabolic characteristics of maximum oxygen uptake’s (VO₂max) work capacity level, submaximum oxygen uptake level for running efficiency, anaerobic threshold level at 4.0 m㏖/ℓ lactic acid concentration, aerobic threshold level at 6.6 m㏖/ℓ lactic acid concentration, and running speed of each different oxygen consumption or lactic acid level on tread mitral were tested.
Based on the statistical analysis, significant difference(p<0.05) was found between Korean and American runners. Enclosed is a summary of the laboratory test results complied from Korean runners compared to American runners.
1) Korean subjects have 78.0 ㎖/㎏.min average maximum oxygen uptake and Americans have 78.2 ㎖/㎏. min average maximum oxygen uptake level. Korean runners ran everage 370 m/min running speed and American runners ran average 394 m/min running speed at maximum oxygen uptake level. They have high maximum oxygen uptake level But Korean runners have weaker running speed at maximum oxygen uptake level than American.
2) Also Korean runners utilized more oxygen at the same running speed than Americans Korean runners have higher oxygen consumption than Americans at the same running speed intensity. Korean runners had an oxygen uptake average of 53.4 ㎖/㎏. min and American an average of 50.3 ㎖/㎏. min at 266 m/min(1600/6 : 00 min) running speed Korean runners had an oxygen consumption average 66.7 ㎖/㎏. kg/min and Americans average 62.2 ㎖/㎏. min at 322 m/min(1600 m/5 : 00 min) running speed. Therefore, Korean runners were running uneconomically.
3) Korean runners appeared to have slower speed run at(anaerobic threshold of) 4.0 m㏖/ℓ lactic acid level than American runners. Korean runners ran average 337 m/min and American runners ran average 366 m/min at anaerobic threshold Bevel. Also, Korean runners appeared to have slow speed run at (aerobic threshold of) 6.6 m㏖/ℓ lactic acid level. Korean runners ran average 337 m/min and American runner ran average 375 m/min at aerobic threshold level. Therefore, Korean runners had higher lactic acid production at same running speed than American runners.
4) Korean runners have recorded high heart rate during same speed running test under same oxgen uptake. Korean runners had heart rate averages of 202 beats/min and Americans had heart rated average of 192 beats/min at maximum oxygen uptake level. Also, Korean runners had heart rate average of 148 of 192 beats/min at miximum oxygen uptake level. Also Korean runners had heart rate average of 148 beats/min and Americans 130 beats/min. at VO₂max 65% level.
It was concluded that the Korean runners have high work capcity(High VO₂max, but are weak in running economy. They appear lower level of anaerobic threshold. This experiment here provides some interesting information which may be useful in training and race planning.
To improve running economy the athlete must concentrate on strenge oriented running and related drills. If would be desirable to develop better performance over shorter races(400, 800, 1500 meters). This is accomplished through up hill running, uphill bounding, speed running on the flate and on slight down hill grade.
They have good work capacity, but success can only be realized by improvements in shorter distance performances. This must be the emphasis Marathon success cannot come without good preformances in shortes distance.